This feature allows the Administrator or the Moderator to "Approve", "Hold" or "Delete" a users post before it is shown to the public.
Approve: Only the administrators or the moderators will be able to approve a post made to a moderated forum. When the post is approved, it will be made viewable to the public.
Hold: When a user posts a message to a moderated forum, the message is automatically put on hold until a moderator or an administrator approves of the post. No one will be able to view the post while it is put on hold. Note: Authors of the post will be able to edit thier post during this mode.
Delete: If the administrator or moderator chooses this option, the post will be deleted and an email will be sent to the poster of the message, informing them that thier post was not approved. The administrator/moderator will be able to give thier reason for not approving the post in the email.